The Do’s and Dont’s of Being a Parent Who Smokes Weed
Becoming a parent who smokes weed has many ramifications for children, from positive to adverse effects. Marijuana use is linked to changes in personality, including depression and suicidal thoughts. Adolescence is challenging for children, and the use of marijuana is no exception. Teenagers may become more angry and dissimilar to their parents.
Getting High from a Parent Who Smokes Weed
If you have a parent that smokes weed, you may have asked yourself, “How will this affect me?” Young adults have high expectations for the experience. But, in truth, it can be both enjoyable and bizarre. It can even foster a sense of camaraderie and be treated as an adult. So how can you avoid the harmful effects of smoking weed around your child?
Personality Changes After Smoking Marijuana
It’s hard to imagine the effects of a drug on a young person’s personality and behavior, but it can happen. While marijuana can be an effective social-emotional tool, it’s not without risk. There are challenges in dealing with a child’s marijuana use. Remember that these are only the surface effects, and your child may have multiple signs.
Talking to Children about Marijuana at an Early Age
Talking to children about marijuana early is crucial to developing your child’s brain. The topic has become more mainstream in pop culture and is challenging to discuss with a young child. To start a productive conversation, parents should remain objective and avoid judging their children. Instead, ask open-ended questions for more information than a simple yes-no answer. Then, when your child asks you questions, you can respond to their inquiries.
Talking to a Child about Marijuana While You’re High
Although you should talk to your child about marijuana, you might not know where to begin. While marijuana is not a necessary part of the survival of humanity, many children may have misperceptions about the drug. While marijuana can have several negative connotations, it’s an entirely legitimate medical treatment with hundreds of positive benefits.